

About Us


Meet Our Founder


Our Team


Encouraging Words



Birthday Blessing offers an amazing outreach opportunity for your congregation to impact the lives of underprivileged children in your area. We provide a creative, fun and safe way for church groups to serve alongside their families, bless their community and be the hands and feet of Jesus to children in need. Birthday Blessing offers your church community the opportunity to:

About Us


Meet Our Founder


Our Team


Encouraging Words



Give Gifts

For many children in hardship, receiving a tangible birthday gift is a joy beyond their expectations. Partner with us in our commitment to provide brand new gifts for every Birthday Blessing child.

Celebrate Kids

There is something extraordinarily fulfilling and contagious about the joy of a child who feels loved, valued, and celebrated. Volunteer to coordinate and participate in Birthday Blessing parties and witness the direct impact of celebrating children in hardship.

Disciple to Change Lives

After the presents are opened and the cake is eaten, Birthday Blessing is committed to providing a pathway of hope for children and their families. Partner with us in establishing a church home for underserved children and families to experience long-term and relevant discipleship.

Encourage and Provide

Churches partner with Birthday Blessing to support and encourage their congregations to serve their community and bring joy to children and families in the midst of struggle. Churches are also encouraged to help provide resources that will directly impact the lives of the children being celebrated and their families.

Vision Video

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