Birthday Blessing is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that partners with churches to provide birthday parties for underprivileged children with the hope of making them feel loved and important on their special day. Our goal is to show them how much Jesus Christ loves them and wants a relationship with them.
Why was Birthday Blessing created?
Birthday Blessing was created to enable parents who are struggling financially to provide the gift of a party to their children – something that parents who are financially stable often take for granted. Parents may have been stripped of their jobs, their homes, their cars but they do not have to deny their children a special celebration in their honor. Birthdays are special because they celebrate the uniqueness of each individual. No two people are alike. That’s by God’s design. So, the birthday of a child is a big reason for celebration. The birthday is a milestone in a child’s life that is meant to bring family and friends together; it’s a time to celebrate all the child has achieved during the year and it’s a time to look forward with hope and excitement about the future.
Who qualifies for Birthday Blessing?
We work through churches and encourage them to identify children living in unfortunate situations. As part of this process, we encourage the churches to connect with various shelters and social organizations in their area. The ministry has as its primary focus children ages 5 -12.
What will be provided at the party?
The churches we partner with provide food, drinks, cake, gifts for the birthday child, singing, fun, and happiness, and also a presentation of the best gift of all – Jesus!
What is the cost of a party?
The amount spent by the partner churches for each party can vary due to several factors, including things such as the venue, cost of gifts, the number of guests for each birthday child, etc.
Who can a child invite to a party?
The birthday child may invite his/her immediate family. Partner churches may also allow others to be invited. It is up to them.
Will there be any cost for the birthday child and his/her family?
There is no cost to the birthday child’s family or the guests. It is the honor of Birthday Blessing and its partners to provide this memorable event in the child’s life.
How can I help Birthday Blessing?
There are several ways you can help. Birthday Blessing is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, so your donations may be tax-deductable. If you want to donate toys or gifts, volunteer your time, provide a party venue, or identify eligible children, please Contact Us. To make a financial donation click Here.